Saturday, February 6, 2010

Floyd Mayweather Jr ‘All we want is for Pacman to take a $25 million dollar drug test’

He’s back. Like the ground hog that comes out of his hole to tell us if we are going to get 6 more weeks of winter or not, Floyd Mayweather Jr has come out of his hole to tell us what he thinks about everything.

Specifically, Floyd is back on the path of publicly speaking about Manny Pacquiao and drug tests. He’s once again trying to get the public to sway in his favor. Let’s examine Floyd’s latest comments.

“Manny wouldn't take a $25 million drug test....I'm trying to clean up sports..make a change. You don't start off your career as average, and then after your turn 25, become extraordinary. All we want is for Pacman to take a $25 million dollar drug test, and we got a fight".. FMJ on the Jim Rome Radio Show

Can someone please tell Mayweather Jr that he has an upcoming fight with Shane Mosley and not Manny Pacquiao? Can someone also tell Mayweather that Pacquiao agreed to take the drug tests right after the fight and 24 days before the fight? Does Floyd not comprehend that just because Manny didn’t agree to his demands, of specific dates for testing, that it doesn’t mean that Manny said no to the drug tests?

You know what; right now I would rather listen to the ground hog than listen to what Floyd has to say. It’s like he lives in his own little world and whatever he thinks, is the gospel truth. Bill Dolans Sacramento, CA “Does Floyd actually believe what comes out of his own mouth?” Yes Bill, Floyd does believe it and there’s no convincing him otherwise.

With less than 3 months until his fight with Mosley, Floyd is focusing way too much on an opponent that he may never face, especially if they can’t come to an agreement on the specific time frame for drug testing.

Jennifer Martinez, Citrus Heights, CA “Does Floyd realize that Mosley wants to hurt him bad?” Jennifer, I don’t think he thinks Mosley can hurt him. But, Mayweather needs to realize that Mosley is coming to hurt him and knock him out. There’s no love or respect between the two. The fight is “on” and 10 years of bad blood will be spilled during the fight.

To me, this is another example of how Floyd disrespects his opponents. He misconstrues the facts with Pacquiao to win public support and then he ignores Mosley like he has done for 10 years now. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, boxing is stuck with Mayweather until either Mosley or Pacquiao can KO him.

Source: Rick Rockwell  |

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